It was unseasonably warm today folks... It was in the 20s last week, and today it was around 45 and sunny in the afternoon. So, I had to go and pay a visit to Julep, who I've been neglecting for the past 2 1/2 months.
When I got to the garage, I realized I had left the fuel cock open all this time. Since she has a minor kink in the fuel line, this is not usually a problem. She started up on the first kick... Wow, great! But it wasn't that easy. I let her warm up for a minute, and she seemed to be holding the idle, so I decided to put her in first and go, but she stalled out almost immediately. I had to try several more times before I got her out of the driveway, and then she stalled when she hit the street. I went 5 blocks, then, when sitting at at a light for a couple minutes she stalled again. Sigh... I guess she needed more time to warm up than I gave her... I got her going again (after having three cars go around me) did another loop, and then parked her at home. About an hour or so later, I drove her back to the garage.
All in all, she actually did better than I was expecting. I'm proud of her. And I'm glad – I didn't forget how to ride either!