Two big things on the road to legality...
So, at last, Julep could leagally hit the pavement... From now on, it's no more grass for her. I took her out on Thursday and Friday. I rode the square block around the HS football field... a fairly quiet area just off the street where she's garaged. I stalled a couple times that first day out, and got honked at by an impatient person when I took too long to take off from a corner. Oh, well. But, there was some attention paid that was not negative... I met Salvatore, Nereida's Italian neighbor, who said he saw them a lot in the old country – he never had one, but his brother had... : ) A pizza guy also stopped to ask me about it... And of course, there are always the little dogs that get strangely excited at the sight of the scooter. Luckily, they were all on leashes this time! Things to work on: getting my speed up more quickly, and matching my gears to road speed (especially when downshifting). Then, I can venture beyond the safe-zone.
I re-took the second session of the rider course this morning. I was so nervous when I first arrived. I was sitting in the car practically shaking. Then I said to myself, "So WHAT if I fail? REALLY?" After that, I went out to meet Dan and Beth. I can't believe how much better this session went. I think it was because of my cumulative knowledge from the previous classes, the experience of riding Julep a bit, and finally getting the friction zone. I think I was scared to use the throttle before, that was why I kept stalling out. I was generous with it from the start this time. I think I may have stalled once (ok, maybe twice). Dan and Beth and I chatted it up between exercises and cheered eachother on and just had a lot of fun. And yay! We all passed!!!